Our Lives are Run by Bad Software: Discord Edition

A friend invites me to a watch a stream of him playing a game on Discord. I’m not at my computer, so I install the app on my iPad. It asks for credentials, but the login process doesn’t seem to work with 1Password. So I open 1Pass, remember the email I need to type, and copy the password.

I log in on the Discord app, and it puts me through some CAPTCHA thing, and then tells me this is a new device, that needs to be “registered” or something, and sends me an email. I click the link, and a Safari window opens… and goes nowhere. It’s gotten blocked by 1Blocker.

So I copy-paste the URL into Firefox — where I do NOT have an ad blocker, for precisely these scenarios — and it asks me to log in again. Again, 1Password is unhelpful. Again, it sends me through a CAPTCHA…

And I say to myself, you know what? I don’t care any more. I don’t want to see it now. And I close all the browser tabs and I remove Discord from my device, and I complain about it on Twitter.

I go through this ridiculous, digital dance with various services, every single day. EVERY. DAY. I’m sick of it. And I’m just going to stop using every service under the sun, just because they’re free. There’s NOTHING in Discord worth this level of “security” to me.

So, alright, Discord, keep your secrets.

Sony is working to integrate Discord into PlayStation consoles

Coming “early next year.”

Details on what that would actually entail are slim, and Sony’s announcement just says that the two companies are “hard at work connecting Discord with your social and gaming experience on PlayStation Network.” Whether that means a full-fledged Discord app coming to PlayStation consoles or a more limited integration (like connecting PSN and Discord accounts to more easily chat with friends off platform) has yet to be announced.

Source: Sony is working to integrate Discord into PlayStation consoles

Sounds like the first shoe to drop in the disastrous situation I described in the last couple of paragraphs in this rant. Maybe they are going to get serious about integrating the system with more and more-interesting services…