Stealing Dolmens in Cyrodill

I’ve completely ignored achievements in Elder Scrolls Online up till now. There are so many, it’s overwhelming. But coming back to the game after over a year, I notice that I “already” have about half the “points” in the game, without even thinking about it, so I’ve started paying more attention.

Finally managed to get all achievements. It was a long run but finished.

Source: I have finished the game. — Elder Scrolls Online

This guy “finished” the game on PC. In the comments, he says the new command in the game \played says he has 1,000 days in the game. That’s 24,000 hours.

I finally completed 100% achievements (59,465 points)

Source: I finally completed 100% achievements (59,465 points)

This guy “finished” the game on Playstation. He figured he has 18,000 hours in the game.

What I’ve discovered is that, after a couple thousand hours in the game, I have a whole bunch of achievements which are almost done, just by nature of having played the game, and finishing them just needs a couple more things to be done. I’ll admit, it’s been its own kind of fun doing them. Most unlock new titles or colors to use in the dye stations, which are so esoteric and unimportant, they become special in their own right.

I “ran” all of the delves in Cyrodiil a long time ago, to farm their skyshards, but in the achievement tracker, I noticed that I had not killed the secondary bosses in a half dozen of them. I ran to the far corners of the map to complete the achievement, and then thought, hey, why not keep running the vast landscape to at least discover the dolmens, so that I could see which one was active on the map, so that I could come back, and eventually do all of them too.

Came up on one, and saw that it was actually running! Great! Except I saw that there was an enemy player doing it… He was on the last boss… and it looked like he didn’t have full health… What the heck!? A dude so weak that he’s half dead fighting a dolmen boss? I immediately overcome my reticence, jump in, and basically stab him in the back. He dies easily. I finish the boss, and get the chest.

My heart is POUNDING. I’m out of breath. I run to the next closest dolmen. It’s running. He’s there. On the last boss again. I kill him again.

I can see that one of the dolmens I recently discovered is running now. I run all the way over to it. Yup! Again, he’s there, and, again, on the last boss.

I “stole” 3 dolmens on the last boss from this poor guy in 15 minutes.

I felt a little bad.

Then I ran into a ditch and died from lava, and quit while I was ahead.

Honestly, there is NOTHING in this world that makes me so nervous as PVP in ESO.

It’s kind of sad to say, but, at least in a way, I never felt more alive than getting the skyshards in the enemy bases in Cyrodill, running away from a dude trying to chase me in my “speed gear” to get the very last one.

Of course, chasing down the easy-to-complete achievements will just lead me to the ones that need a whole lot of work, and then to the trial trifectas. Where do I cut it off, and do other things? I don’t know. But again, the recent additions to the game that allow “marginal” people like me to access “the whole game” make it fun to at least explore, and see where that line lies for me.

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Tired Of Being Ripped Off By Monopolies, Cleveland Launches Ambitious Plan To Provide Citywide Dirt Cheap Broadband | Techdirt

On the other hand, they’ve convinced a company named SiFi Networks to build a $500 million open access fiber network at no cost to taxpayers. SiFi Networks will benefit from a tight relationship with the city, while making its money from leasing access to the network to ISPs.

Source: Tired Of Being Ripped Off By Monopolies, Cleveland Launches Ambitious Plan To Provide Citywide Dirt Cheap Broadband | Techdirt

For 25 years, I’ve been saying that every house needs to have a fiber drop, owned by the city, just like electricity, water, and sewer, through which the resident can contract with service providers to get whatever digital services they want. Looks like this may be exactly what’s happening in Cleveland. Finally.

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Uncle Buck’s Niece

The movie Uncle Buck was released in 1989. Like other John Hughes movies, I enjoyed it, but the real highlight for me was the girl played Uncle Buck’s niece, Jean Luisa Kelly. To me, she was nearly the epitome of feminine attractiveness: a perfect mix of cute, pretty, and hot.

Jean Louisa Kelly

Little did I know that I would meet the following smokeshow just a couple of years later. The first time I saw her, our mutual friend was introducing her down a line of people, and I was at the end. By the time they got to me, I had picked my jaw back up off the floor, and tried to play it cool.

Right after we met, she went to Colorado to get a paralegal certification. She came back. We started talking. We both got jobs working night shift. We spent hours on the phone every night. After four years, I put a ring on it.

I kept thinking that I had seen someone that looked just like her, and I finally put two and two together. I was just reminded of all of this because I just rewatched Uncle Buck on some streaming show, and then I happened to see some of Sue’s old pictures from high school on the floor of the bedroom.

The thing that slays me, to this day, is the fact that she revealed herself to be even more beautiful on the inside, as if such a thing were possible. She’s my rock and my best friend, and I don’t know what I’d do without her.

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Why I Ripped The Same CD 300 Times

CDs store digital data, but the interface between CDs, lasers, and optical diodes is very analog. Read errors can be caused by anything from dirty media, to scratches on the protective polycarbonate layer, to vibration from the optical drive itself. The primitive error correction codes in the CDDA standard, designed to minimize audible distortions on lightly used disks, are not capable of fully recovering the bitstream on CDs with a significant error rate. Contemporary CD ripping software works around this with two important error detection techniques: redundant reads and AccurateRip.

Source: Why I Ripped The Same CD 300 Times

Found via:

There’s an enormous latent anxiety about this subject with “audiophiles.” It cracks me up. On the one hand, sure, you want to get exactly what’s on the CD to the hard drive. But when you get an encoding error, we’re talking about one bad value for one channel of stream encoded at 44.1 KHz. Are these guys really telling me that they think they can hear a defect in an audio stream that occurs within 23 nanoseconds? And if they’re really telling me that, do they really expect me to believe it?

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Demagnetizing CDs?! – YouTube

Follow up to this.

It’s just a scam. Everything in the marketing copy is a lie. Nothing about it will do anything to the sound produced by the disc. Yet there are still articles at the top of Goole search results, talking about how much better CD’s and DVD’s are heard and seen after using this… device.

Let’s break this down.

The layer of metal that CD’s use to reflect the laser light is aluminum oxide.

We could stop right here, because the entire idea of “demagnetizing” a CD is a farce, since, as everyone understands, aluminum isn’t magnetic. But let’s set that aside for a moment, and continue. There’s an even-more ridiculous reason this whole idea is patently stupid.

A molecule of aluminum oxide, consisting of Al2O3, would be approximately 478.5 picometers across.

CD lasers run at 780 nanometers.

Even if the molecules of aluminum were somehow “inverted” from their original, stamped orientation, due to “magnetism” induced by the label printing process, first, it could have no effect on the signal produced because there’s no part of the laser decoding that depends on molecular orientation, and second, any material in the disc substrate that has been “flipped” would be invisible to the CD laser, as the molecules themselves are 1,500 times smaller than the laser can distinguish.

But, yeah, someone made this, and people have bought it, and I’m certain that they “heard things they’d never heard before” in their music. Further, I’ll bet it’s still being offered for sale in “audiophile” magazines.

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New research reveals age of universe estimated to be 26.7 billion years old

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society suggests that the age of universe may be nearly twice as old

Source: New research reveals age of universe estimated to be 26.7 billion years old

Here we go again: “We were wrong. We were absolutely certain we were right before. We could prove it. With numbers, and everything! But we were wrong. But, this time, we are sure we’re right. We’re positive. Have have numbers and everything!”

Just like the age of the sun.

You can say “it’s just good science” to come to new conclusions based on new findings, and you’d be right. But this isn’t good science. First of all, they were one hundred percent wrong. Like, off by the whole amount. That’s really wrong. Second of all, at some point of this level of wrongness, you lose the right to be so damnably confident in your proclamations. “Scientists” who publish things like this, and especially “journalists” who write about them, need to start admitting that these facts are current best guesses.

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iOS 17 Includes ‘Grid Forecast’ Feature to Let You Know When ‘Cleaner’ Energy is Available

Source: iOS 17 Includes ‘Grid Forecast’ Feature to Let You Know When ‘Cleaner’ Energy is Available

This makes about as much sense as Microsoft automatically setting all the power options in Windows to be the most conservative and least performant, including — in an absolutely baffling move — to automatically turn off Bluetooth after a minute. Say what!? Yeah, my Bluetooth mouse and keyboard would suddenly stop working after about a minute. I searched for and found updated drivers. I upgraded Windows. I reset things. I rebooted. And rebooted.

There was a lot of hair pulled before I figured out the power saving setting was the problem, because there isn’t any scenario in the entire world where I would think this would even have been an option that someone was told to take the time to code, make a UI for, and merge into Windows. The only possible reason would be to save literally one penny of electricity, over the course of a year, at the expense of making Bluetooth… COMPLETELY USELESS. Well done, guys.

Now I see the insanity is spreading. It’s not enough that we have to go over every device with a fine-toothed comb for security, opting out of spying, and blocking ads. Now we have to go through the options to make sure that they’re not “helpfully” being invisibly and silently hobbled against their intended, normal usage by companies who want to report to their investors that they’ve saved a collective X number of kilowatt hours by their pernicious power settings.

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Pluralistic: “Efficiency” left the Big Three vulnerable to smart UAW tactics (21 Sept 2023) – Pluralistic: Daily links from Cory Doctorow

In this project, they are greatly aided by Big Car’s own relentless pursuit of profit. The automakers – like every monopolized, financialized sector – have stripped all the buffers and slack out of their operations. Inventory on hand is kept to a bare minimum. Inputs are sourced from the cheapest bidder, and they’re brought to the factory by the lowest-cost option. Resiliency – spare parts, backup machinery – is forever at war with profits, and profits have won and won and won, leaving auto production in a brittle, and easily shattered state.

Source: Pluralistic: “Efficiency” left the Big Three vulnerable to smart UAW tactics (21 Sept 2023) – Pluralistic: Daily links from Cory Doctorow

This has been my complaint about all the mergers that happen up and down and side to side in various industries: the activity is driven by the desire and intent to extract all the profit from every level subsumed. To oversimplify, the effort is one to streamline all consumer activity, from raw material to your door. This is the result. No extra capacity. No ability to handle a shock to the system.

Car bosses have become lazily dependent on overtime. At GM’s “highly profitable” SUV factory in Arlington, TX, normal production runs a six-days, 24 hours per day. Workers typically work five eight-hour days and nine hours on Saturdays. That’s been the status quo for 11 years…

A hundred years ago, in a magical company called Arvin, they implemented the Toyota Production System, and called it the Arvin Total Quality Production System. It was the only corporate training that I’ve ever had that was actually worth anything. Part of the work was simulating a production line with poker chips and dice rolls, and it brilliantly demonstrated the improvements by going to small lot sizes and just-in-time delivery.

If we ran behind due to bad dice rolls, we would just run a little overtime, and make it up. Better to pay a little OT occasionally than spend the capital to invest in a new machine, right? Even back then, as naive as I was, what immediately struck me was how easy it was for the company to just rely on overtime to make production instead of investing in new equipment to reduce manpower needs to prevent a regularly-occurring crunch, and it was obvious that this would always be the case.

Sure enough, all these years later, every time I hear a story like this, I see the company’s refusal to invest capital to do the work, and just “throw bodies” at the problem. Having taken an accounting class, and understanding the future value of money, I understand there’s a pretty simple calculation you can make in individual cases to determine if you should buy something to help, or just plan on using human fodder for the job. Then, as soon as the profit line dips a little, you cut a bunch of people lose to appease Wall Street. It’s inhuman, and we need the pendulum to swing, quickly and far, to the other side, in favor of people again.

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Men now avoid women at work – another sign we’re being punished for #MeToo | Life and style | The Guardian

A new study has found US men appear to be following Mike Pence’s lead. Maybe they’re angry that #MeToo ever happened.

Source: Men now avoid women at work – another sign we’re being punished for #MeToo | Life and style | The Guardian

What a bizarre byline, and it’s telling just how vast the disparity in viewpoints is on this.

Years ago, I worked with several women in one small IT department.

  • One I didn’t work with. We became pretty good friends.
  • One was my boss. We didn’t get along with very well, though I respected her. We were both pretty hard-headed.
  • One was my co-sysadmin. She was just great, though she was really reserved, and we didn’t talk much.
  • And one was an absolute “section 8.”

What I mean is that this girl — she was very young — was looking for trouble. We ran into each other before she was assigned to my group. Despite her utter inexperience, she was put on a politically-important team; one that I wish I had been invited to be a part of. She was completely out of her depth with some minor tasks she had been given, and came to me for help. Obviously, I was already predisposed to not be forthcoming.

So it was that she came into my office, put both hands on my desk, leaned in, stuck her (perfect) chest out at me — and she was apparently cold, if you take my meaning — batted her eyelashes, and asked me for help I didn’t think she should need, if she were actually worthy of the responsibility given to her. I didn’t take the bait. I told her what she needed to know, and sent her on her way to finish figuring it out.

I moved groups. Rumors kept following her around. Every once in awhile, some dude would be implicated in doing something inappropriate towards her, and all the rumors just tracked according to what I had seen for myself. She was strutting around, and then complaining about the attention she was begging for. She was transferred into my group, and I just plain avoided her.

One day, out of nowhere, my boss walked into my office, sat down, and said — not asked — said, “You don’t like working with women, do you?” I was pretty sure that the “section 8” had been fulminating rumors about me to my boss, leveraging my already-strained relationship to reduce my influence in the group. I took a beat, realizing all of this, and then said that the situation was not equitable — even back in 2000 — and I was being cautious because of it. To explain, I told her the following story.

I had worked in our prototype and testing facility. In fact, I used to be one of the people on night shift that ran the tests, so I was pretty familiar with the processes.

In the engineering department, there was a husband and wife who were both engineers, and ran tests in the facility. They were yuppies: young, attractive, and well-groomed. Great people. I liked them immensely, and I hated that they moved away.

One day, the wife went to one of the test stand operators, and asked for an urgent test be run right away. The operator told her there were other tests in front of hers. The rumor was that she cupped her breasts, and said something like, “Oh, come on! You’ll do it for me, because I have these.” Of course, he ran her test.

Now, I knew her, and I knew the test stand operator. It was all in innocent fun, and it was a great thing about the old Arvin that this kind of thing could be done, and it not be a big deal. But this was post-Meritor takeover, and times were changing.

After relating the story, I asked my boss: What would have happened if the test stand operator had been a woman, and the husband went to her, cupped his privates, and suggested that she do his test next because he had that? Madness, right? Pandemonium. Firing on the spot. She agreed. I pointed out that we had started living in a very duplicitous society, and I was limiting my involvement with certain people because I was afraid of being implicated for something I didn’t intend.

She reluctantly conceded my point.

The rift of this double standard has only widened and deepened in the 25 years since, and I wouldn’t blame any man for protecting themselves from a potentially vindictive woman who does not like him. Mike Pence has taken a lot of flack for requiring his wife to attend any meeting between him and another woman. He is pilloried for his old-fashioned behavior, but even his detractors would have to admit in private that it’s the only way to make sure that he doesn’t get #metoo’d too, at some point.

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All Your Base Are Belong to Us

If you have a corporate- or school-issued computer, you have no control over it. Unless you wipe it and reinstall the OS, and even then, of course, they could leave things in the BIOS, and probably do. Then again, you barely “own” devices you buy, but that’s another rant. Here’s the task list for my corporate laptop.


So let’s see…

  • Seven different reports about what I’m uploading to OneDrive.
  • Five jobs to keep Chrome and Edge up to date. Firefox and IE are also installed.
  • A job to make sure you keep Zoom around.
  • A [REDACTED] hourly job to make sure you haven’t elevated your privileges.
  • A job to make sure you haven’t (apparently) installed the npcap library. I mean, God forbid you should try to use this at a corporate site, which has probably used switching since… 1996 or so.
  • Three other [REDACTED] jobs to make sure you don’t do other things “they” don’t want you to do.
  • At least 5 jobs to make sure you don’t change… anything about the way they’ve installed Office, apparently.

Thirty one jobs. Only one of these is mine, to do the one thing I need this (secondary) computer to do.

This machine bypasses my carefully-curated and ad-blocked local DNS. I don’t know what it uses for DNS, but I see that it doesn’t operate over port 53, and I don’t care to know any more.

It also won’t print to a printer in your house. I think I tried to print to a printer at the office once, and give up after one try, because I knew it was going to be futile. Basically, no one prints anything. They must save a TON on printer costs as a company. Most printouts are a waste of resources anyway, so this might actually be genious.

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