Jeffrey Epstein ‘victim’ Johanna Sjoberg claims predator told her ‘Clinton likes them young’ in bombshell newly-released court documents | Daily Mail Online

Johanna Sjoberg, who was recruited by Ghislaine Maxwell when she was 20, told the lawyers in 2016 that Jeffrey Epstein told her ‘Clinton likes them young, referring to girls.’

Source: Jeffrey Epstein ‘victim’ Johanna Sjoberg claims predator told her ‘Clinton likes them young’ in bombshell newly-released court documents | Daily Mail Online

By the numbers:

  1. The UK press doing the job the US press won’t do.
  2. We knew about Bill from the flight logs. Lots of names show up on the list once or twice. Clearly, people were allowed to use the plane as a sort of manifest laundering exercise. Bill flew a lot.
  3. He denied everything. Who wouldn’t?
  4. So he’s finally, directly implicated. Who cares? Everyone knows that Bill Clinton is untouchable. He proved that with vigor in the 90’s.

Seems like a non-story, and from several points of view. If “the list” is “in the wind” now, where are the rest of the names?

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