Edward Snowden says the government is in your phone, insists he only wanted to ‘reform’ the NSA

Snowden in an interview from Russia with Brian Williams talked Trump, stealing classified information from the NSA and how cellphones are killing privacy.

Source: Edward Snowden says the government is in your phone, insists he only wanted to ‘reform’ the NSA

“Anything you can do on that device, the attacker ⁠— in this case, the government ⁠— can do,” Snowden claimed. “They can read your e-mail, they can collect every document, they can look at your contact book, they can turn the location services on.”

“They can see anything that is on that phone instantly,” he continued, “and send it back home to the mothership.”

In retrospect, this shouldn’t be surprising, since the government was heavily involved in creating the first cellular networks.

Mark my words: Anything we allow the government to do, and any rights we surrender in the name of catching “the bad guys,” will eventually be used against the general population, because, in the future, everyone will be an enemy of the government for 15 minutes.

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