Corporate IT “Support”

I couldn’t mount network drives on my work laptop, so I opened a ticket. That was FIVE weeks ago. The ticket was closed by the first person after 3 days without even contacting me. I immediately re-opened it, and it proceeded to worm its way through an additional EIGHTEEN people, and finally came back to the original person who closed it, who — for at least the 4th time in the email chain — asked me questions I had “pre” answered in the original complaint.

Disgusted, I finally took a couple of hours, and figured it out myself. When I was finishing up, and documenting the fix on the ticket, the first guy contacted me on Teams, and asked me to bring the laptop into the office and try to do what I’ve shown over and over in screenshots couldn’t be done.

I guess I’m just lucky that I have admin rights on my laptop.

FWIW, the problem started when I installed WSL to test using for developing Rails apps. When I recognized the coincidence, and since I hadn’t actually used it yet, I uninstalled the Ubuntu image. This wasn’t enough to fix the problem.

The error message was clearly about not being able to resolve machine names, but I didn’t want to monkey around with the resolution settings because #CorporateIT does nasty things to our laptops, and I was afraid of screwing up their configuration.

I finally removed WSL entirely, and got a different error message when trying to mount a drive, which led me to this Stack Exchange post. I copied the registry setting from a computer which works (which was the same as what was listed in the top answer), and all was sorted again.

To me, the worst part of this charade is that the “original” guy will get the credit for “resolving” the issue, and that really burns me.

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