I was born at the perfect time to pursue a career in full-stack software development. I grew up programming 8-bit computers, then learned Unix in college. I entered the workforce at the emergence of Windows for Workgroups and Linux, and I'll be retiring right about the time the AI's make me redundant. Also, the year Social Security goes broke.
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Months and months of planning by lots and lots of middle management can save literally hours of programming.
Me -
Give a man a program, and you'll frustrate him for a day. Teach a man to program, and you'll frustrate him for a lifetime.
Unknown -
I've put all of my skill points into arguing with blinking lights.
Me -
But I say unto you, that whosoever looketh on a new piece of Apple gear, to lust after it, hath committed purchase of it already in his heart.
Me -
Don't say you're easy on me; you're about as easy as a nuclear war.
Duran Duran, Is There Something I Should Know -
I sold the Renoir and the TV set; don't wanna be around when this gets out.
Duran Duran, The Reflex
Category Archives: Technology
Unicomp, Inc.: Mini M
The Mini M buckling spring keyboard has the same mechanism, feel and general layout as the original IBM Model M (SSK) keyboard. With the much-loved buckling spring key design these keyboards have been prized by computer enthusiasts and robust typists because of … Continue reading
Mighty’s master plan to reignite the future of desktop computing
We’re excited to finally unveil Mighty, a faster browser that is entirely streamed from a powerful computer in the cloud. After 2 years of hard work, we’ve created something that’s indistinguishable from a Google Chrome that runs at 4K, 60 … Continue reading
Every time we post to our Facebook account, it immediately gets 2-5 one-word comments from random Indian dudes with locked accounts that are years old and have thousands of friends: Source: jwz: ENGAGEMENT! There’s never post about Facebook on “Hacker” … Continue reading
How People Get Rich Now
The tech companies behind the top 100 fortunes also form a well-differentiated group in the sense that they’re all companies that venture capitalists would readily invest in, and the others mostly not. And there’s a reason why: these are mostly … Continue reading
The Gervais Principle II: Posturetalk, Powertalk, Babytalk and Gametalk
Finally, Sociopaths and Losers speak rarely to each other at all. One of the functions of the Clueless, recall, is to provide a buffer in what would otherwise be a painfully raw master-slave dynamic in a pure Sociopath-Loser organization. But … Continue reading
Imgur. Again.
I think Imgur is currently running 40% on the liberal programming right now. I know I’ve talked about it before, but I’m convinced it’s a sociological experiment, no different than the Cambridge Analytica scandal that drove the liberals out of … Continue reading
Wait no longer my friends! – whatadeal post – Imgur
Reddit says this is from 1981. Google says this would be $9,800 in today’s dollars. I’m surprised by that date, though. Even in 1994, when I got my first job, 10 MB was the standard desktop hard drive size in … Continue reading
Google and “Privacy”
After months of stalling, Google finally revealed how much personal data they collect in Chrome and the Google app. No wonder they wanted to hide it.⁰Spying on users has nothing to do with building a great web browser or search … Continue reading
On Changing Blogging Format
I’m really late in coming to an understanding of this, but I’m just realizing that “blogging” has moved to video. I mean, the kinds of things I’m writing down here are mostly being done, these days, as 10-15 minute videos … Continue reading