Pain and Treatments

My health “journey” continues. I paid $500 for a genetic test that — of course — insurance doesn’t cover. I finally got the first half of the results.

I failed.

Turns out my body is deficient at basically everything related to my current condition… which is probably why I’m in this position. My genes make me both more susceptible to pain AND less able to deal with it, and I have no genes that would make therapeutic treatment of pain or depression easier. All of my mutations related to possible treatments are bad, and will have to be worked around.

NSAID’s are literally cancerous for me. Stunningly, I can’t process opiates. I’ve always thought that they didn’t do anything for my pain, rather just made me care less. Turns out that’s actually true, but I just thought that’s how they worked. No, they actually REDUCE pain for OTHER people (in addition to making them care less). But, hey, that’s OK. Not one of 18 doctors in three and a half years was willing to prescribe them to me anyway.

At least now we can get started with actual treatments, knowing what WON’T work? I guess? Doesn’t seem to leave me a lot of options, though.

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