Like a Booger you can’t Flick off your Finger

For the love of God, please go away

Just so the Democratic Party is clear, and as a staunch evangelical Christian, I would vote for Satan himself before I’d vote for Hillary Clinton. She and Bill desecrated America and broke our political process, and I hate them for it. Look at all that they taught us:

  • Decades of allegations of rape and sexual abuse does not disqualify you from being President
  • Paying off your accusers isn’t an admission of guilt
  • Real estate fraud is just part of how you “get yours” in politics
  • “Pay for play” is how things get done in Washington
  • Having an affair with your intern is just cool, and totally none of your business
  • Being completely unaccountable for your campaign donations is fine
  • A trail of dead bodies of people who were implicated in your misdeeds is completely coincidental
  • Mishandling classified documents is not a big deal; everyone does it!
  • Leaving our citizens stranded in hostile territory to be killed “doesn’t matter”

And, after all of that, they’re STILL here, like a tick, stuck to our collective butt, ready to do it all over again.

Woodward and Bernstein made journalism the “good guys” by holding Nixon accountable for the heinous crime of… stealing a donor list from his opponent! The horror! Yet, in just a few short years, Clinton’s accomplices in the media turned the tables, and told Republicans and conservatives that none of these much more serious things mattered. “It’s the economy, stupid!”

Any Democrat who voted for EITHER Clinton has no right to lecture a Republican for voting for Trump. After 30 years of liberals demonstrating that “your” candidate’s morals and ethics don’t matter as long as you like their politics, you can’t be upset when the other side has finally learned the lesson too.

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