New York City has the largest public school system in the United States, a vast district with about 750,000 children who are poor, including around 114,000 who are homeless. For such students, school may be the only place they can get three hot meals a day and medical care, and even wash their dirty laundry.
Source: Coronavirus in N.Y.C.: Why Closing Public Schools Is a ‘Last Resort’ – The New York Times
So, in addition to all the roads, the electricity, the water and sewer, the welfare, the Social Security, the Medicare/Medicaid, the farm subsidies, Fannie/Freddie/FHA — and, apparently, now, homeless shelters running on top of the public education system — tell me again how nationalizing health care would be some sudden, unimaginable lurch into communism.
The best answer is to deregulate the industry and let the market truly sort it out, but the Anthems and the Uniteds and the Aetnas of the country are not going to let that happen, so the system will eventually fall over on itself, and the government will be forced to nationalize the system. This is what they’re waiting for: all those companies will become part of the government, and their C-levels are going to get some sort of huge payout/off.