Saudi Arabia Outraged At Ben-Gvir’s Call To Build Synagogue Over Al-Aqsa Mosque | ZeroHedge

Source: Saudi Arabia Outraged At Ben-Gvir’s Call To Build Synagogue Over Al-Aqsa Mosque | ZeroHedge

In recent years Saudi Arabia and Israel have been moving remarkably fast toward the restoration of official relations, in what’s been called a highly anticipated ‘deal of the century’ – but the Gaza war in the wake of Oct.7 have put these efforts on hold and looks to derail the initiative altogether.

This week tensions have escalated, given that Muslims see current Israeli policies toward Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem as very seriously threatening and an affront to their faith. Israel’s hard-line Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir this week went to so far as to call for a synagogue to be built atop Islam’s third holiest site.

Today, in Mark of the Beast news… You can’t fulfill the prophecy of Dan 9:24-27 until the Third Temple is rebuilt, and this goal is a prime motivator for a lot of Jews, even if Americans don’t realize what’s going on. I don’t think that this will happen without extraordinary circumstances, even for the Middle East, but we are living in extraordinary times. In a similar way that it took World War 2 and the Nazi concentration camps to reinstate the nation of Israel, it seems that it would take a third world war — involving Israel and, oh, I don’t know, say, Iran — to force the Muslim “world” to allow Israel to rebuild the Third Temple. I don’t think anyone doubts that this will eventually happen, and we seem to be inching closer and closer to it, in Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and Taiwan.

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