What’s Going on with Xbox?

It’s simple: The PC gaming market is “scavenging” Microsoft’s own console market. Why buy a console when another $100 can get a PC that would play games about as well, and still be a general purpose computer? Don’t get me wrong, I love my Playstation for not being a general purpose PC. I love the ability to just put it to sleep and then fire it up again and continue from where I was. I love never having to deal with flaky drivers, constant updates, or cheaters. But I “get” that most people in the market for a single “computing device” that can play AAA games would opt for a PC.

Additionally, I think it’s another subtle data point that proves my hypothesis that more and more people are choosing Apple hardware when it’s their money, and therefore not spending in the Microsoft ecosystem. Microsoft loves to tout how, decade after decade, Windows accounts for a crazy-high percentage of the market, but personal experience proves that this doesn’t hold up with people. For years, I’ve argued that if you could subtract corporate purchases from the equation, the situation would look very, very different. Finally, from Extremetech, which draws from this archived article from the Seattle Times, I’ve stumbled on a report that proves my theory.

Share of “Personal” Compute

This chart says it all: From 2004 to 2012, Microsoft’s share of the consumer computing market has plummeted from 95% to 20%. For 20 years, Microsoft enjoyed an almost complete monopoly of consumer computing — and yet today, it is a minority stake holder, languishing behind Google’s 42% and Apple’s 24%. This report at CNET says gaming PC’s are selling at about parity with consoles, and we know that Xbox sales are 1/5th of Playstation, so the bottom line is that the AAA-gaming world is coming down to gaming PC’s and… Playstation.

Steam and the State of Mac Gaming

I have an M3-based MacBook Pro. Before that I had a MBP with an nVidia GPU. Before that I had a MBP with an AMD GPU. All 3 have been bad at running any games not 1) specifically written for a Mac or 2) not ancient PC games that a Raspberry Pi could run. I fired up Steam on my Mac, and was asked to do a survey. Yes! By all means, I would love my Mac to be counted as a computer running Steam. Here is the marketshare of the results by operating system.

Even Linux is only at 2%, and that includes the supposedly wildly-successful Steam Deck! After all of these years, and the alleged advances in Proton over various implementations of Wine, I would have thought there would be better penetration after 25-30 years.

The Mac fares even worse. I have a few actual Mac games, and they play great. I even have a couple of Steel Series game controllers that work well with them. But visually and conceptually, they’re no more advanced than a Nintendo Switch game, and the Switch is a glorified tablet. When you click through to games in the App Store, there are some AAA titles there, but 1) they’re really old now, and 2) I already have them on other platforms, and I don’t want to buy them again.

This is just sad to me. Various reports are painting a picture that Microsoft is letting Xbox be scavenged by PC, and people are worried they’re going to get out of the hardware game. So gaming is boiling down to PC’s running Windows, Playstation, and Switch. And phones, I guess, if you want to count mobile. I wish there was increasing competition in the space after all this time. I like my Playstation just great, but I don’t want Sony thinking they can just do whatever they want because they have no competition in the “real” gaming segment.

EXCLUSIVE | Microsoft plans Starfield launch for PlayStation 5

According to sources, we understand that currently Microsoft are planning a launch for Starfield on PlayStation 5 post the release of the already announced “Shattered Space” expansion for Xbox and PC, which is on target to arrive at some point later this year. We’ve also been informed that Microsoft have made additional investment into PlayStation 5 dev kits to support ongoing development efforts – adding further fuel to the fire.

Source: EXCLUSIVE | Microsoft plans Starfield launch for PlayStation 5

During COVID, I and several friends started playing Elder Scrolls Online together on PC. It’s a long story, but we all eventually drifted away from it. Eventually, I literally threw away the 12-year-old potato that I used to play it, and had moved all my gaming to a Playstation (except Civ V on my Mac). Then I suddenly developed serious health issues, and started playing ESO again, on the PlayStation. I was rather enjoying the simplicity of NOT having mods, and liked using a controller for combat much better than a keyboard and mouse.

A year and a half ago, Microsoft was saying that Starfield would be an PC/Xbox exclusive. I was kind of ticked. I had long since made my bed with Playstation, but I expected that the game would be Skyrim-level good, and I got sucked into the hype. So I bought an Xbox in anticipation, months ahead of time. I was replaying Fallout New Vegas in glorious 4K at 60 FPS, but I got the bug to go back to PC for ESO, where I could get mods again, mainly for inventory management. So I sold the Xbox and bought a low-spec gaming PC just for ESO.

Microsoft’s stance on making Starfield an exclusive was heralded by the head of the Xbox decision as a serious business strategy, and something on which they were going to build a new era of gaming competitiveness. When they bought Bethesda, they also made a promise not to touch pre-acquisition IP. Hold this thought.

I bought the digital deluxe pre-release of Starfield on Steam. I played over the weekend before the general release, and thought it sucked. After a dozen hours or so, you will hit a wall with inventory management, and you will naturally build a base to try to fix the problem, and find that bases do not solve anything. Unlike Skyrim or Fallout, there simply is no concept of a bottomless container that keeps a game like this from being insane. Being a pre-release copy, I found that I could refund the purchase before the actual release, so, after 13 hours, I did.

Now that the Microsoft purchase of Activision has “gone through,” they now own Blizzard, which runs World of Warcraft. It is, superficially, very similar to ESO, but has over ten times the number of players. You can just smell that someone high up in Microsoft is asking the question: Why are we paying to develop ESO when we could kill it, and most of the player base would probably move over to WoW? The “synergies” from these two acquisitions must be frighteningly tempting.

They’re reversing course on keeping Starfield exclusive, and now I worry that the other “half” of their promises at the time of the acquisition are similarly precarious. Will they, in fact, start messing with pre-merger games? Will they somehow change the offerings or their monetization to better fit within a corporate strategy which now must be conducive to other franchises that were previously competitors? Microsoft breaks a lot of promises. A lot. Just search on it for yourself.

I’m worried for the future of ESO.

And, while I want a vibrant, competitive landscape in gaming and consoles, and this announcement does not bode well for that, the saltiness of the tears of the fanboys in the Xbox subreddit over this announcement — as Microsoft pulls off their mask, and shows them the face of the monster that hasn’t changed since the 90’s — is just too delicious.

Salty Tears

Starfield’s Steam rating falls to “mostly negative,” can Bethesda still save its RPG? | TechSpot

Starfield, an RPG that excited gamers for years before release with the promise of being Skyrim in space, is ending 2023 with its Steam Recent Reviews rating at Mostly Negative. Even the overall rating is Mixed, which will doubtlessly disappoint Bethesda and Todd Howard.

Source: Starfield’s Steam rating falls to “mostly negative,” can Bethesda still save its RPG? | TechSpot

I was definitely salty when Bethesda was bought by Microsoft. Like so many others, I’ve been a long time fan of Fallout and Elder Scrolls, and was really looking forward to this one. However, as a PS5 player, I realized that Starfield and TES VI would never be coming to Playstation.

I eventually bought a new PC for the Elder Scrolls Online, and tried the digital deluxe pre-release version of Starfield on Steam. I refunded it after 12 hours. While I could see all the criticisms people are talking about with regard to the game, my particular problem was that inventory management was the worst of any open-world game I’ve seen. After this amount of time, I had collected enough “stuff” to require me to start building bases to store them, so that I could eventually build the interesting items, and start working on ships.

I discovered, to my dismay, that unlimited storage containers do not exist, as there are in Skyrim and Fallout 4. Not only that, but it was going to take precious resources to build containers that were — at their largest — still pitifully small. By the time I realized what was happening, I only had enough resources to build a single-base’s limit of storage containers, and it barely made a dent in my inventory.

The whole thing came crashing down at once. The exercise of breaking down and storing my junk — which had become a very efficient and quick abstraction in Fallout 76 — was going to be many, many more hours of work to tame, and it would never not be a chore. To me, there was simply no excuse for this.

So not only do I now view Bethesda suspiciously (even though I continue to play ESO), but I also hate Microsoft from “back in the day,” because I’ve been a fan of Linux since the start, and I watched them buy up any and all competition in the 90’s, and then use the courts and their bought-and-paid for trade press to try to kill Linux.

And above all of this, I hate the trend towards nation-state corporations having more power than governments, and I hate the reduction in choice and increased price by such moves, all while they funnel all the profits from becoming more and more integrated straight to the top.

I’m not trying to start a fight with Windows and Xbox fans. I just say all of this to preface saying this, in response to this news:

And I hope they have a terrible time with The Elder Scrolls 6 now, whatever it will be called.

Xbox Series X all-digital refresh coming in 2024, plus new controller – Polygon

According to a huge document leak, Xbox will overhaul its hardware range in 2024 with upgraded (but disc-free) Series X, Series S, and controller

Source: Xbox Series X all-digital refresh coming in 2024, plus new controller – Polygon

This constant harping on electronics power consumption is really annoying. These things cost $20-$30 of electricity for an entire year. To put that in perspective, that’s about 2 lunches at a fast food joint, for an entire year. Saving a buck or two here makes no meaningful sense, especially if the unit ever degrades performance to achieve it. Don’t brag to me that the processor does 45 Tflops (or whatever), and then throttle it to say that the new consoles are “green.” Given that Microsoft TURNS BLUETOOTH OFF AFTER A MINUTE on Windows 11 by default, you’ll excuse me if I don’t trust them not to do that.

The bottom is line is that they’re just refreshing the SKU to generate some buzz and try to juice sales, because they’re running third in a three-man race.

Ebony and Ivory

This is actually what McCartney and Jackson were singing about. Sony and Microsoft, living in harmony.

Ebony and Ivory

I bought the Xbox because Microsoft bought Bethesda, and will be making Starfield an exclusive. According to leaks, it’s releasing in the summer. (The Elder Scrolls VI will also be exclusive, but that’s so far off, it’s not fair to talk about.) In the meantime, though, I had been wanting to play through Fallout 4 again. And I did, on my PS5. Except that I started the game with the unofficial patch, because of this, I got stuck and couldn’t finish the Nuka World DLC, which is best part. So not only was I capped at 30 FPS, I got stopped by a bug. On the X, they’ve bumped it up to 60 FPS, so I bought the GOTY edition, did NOT install the unofficial patch, and started playing.

But in looking through the Xbox store, I’ve noticed that you can install Fallout 3 and New Vegas natively on the X. I had been wanting to re-play these two for a long time, but they are basically dead on modern versions of Windows. There are lots of long write-ups for how to get them working, but I’ve tried some, and I can’t seem to do it. They’re “available” on Playstation, but only through their cloud gaming service, and that just doesn’t work well at all. It’s grainy and slow and laggy. So basically, I thought these games were lost forever. I would have thought that they would only be available on Xbox through Microsoft’s version of cloud gaming.

I just installed NV on the X, and it plays GREAT! Fully 60 FPS, and it even looks decent at 4K, which I wouldn’t have thought possible for a 13 year old game. I will probably wind up paying for both 3 and NV and all their DLC. I love Fallout so much, that these games being native on the X, alone, almost make the price worth it to me. And while I’ve waffled between buying an X versus buying a new gaming PC, this clinches it, because this just isn’t (practically) possible any more on PC.