Election Malfeasance 2024

Here’s a guy who filmed Indiana Department of Transportation workers for a half hour removing Trump signs, and (allegedly) leaving the Harris ones. It’s just one data point among many. Over the past week, my Twitter feed has become FILLED with stories of crazy election problems already. And it’s not just one or two crazy, hard-right, loud-mouthed accounts. It’s many different people, and from all the battleground states.

Strangely, every story seems to only favor one side. Now, maybe that’s just my algorithm’s bias, so if anyone has stories FROM THE LEFT about, oh, I don’t know, a person voting in elections where the person said they never voted, or many dozens of voting “residences” for a single person, I’d actually love to hear about them. These would be headline news in the mainstream media, and I’m not seeing them.

Turns out that there are many, many ways to cheat our elections. It’s not just about hacking the voting machines, though, as a “computer guy,” this is the biggest issue of all, and it’s already been proven times! No, the “beauty” of this situation is that you can hide cheating at many different levels, in many different ways, and in many different regions, as needed.

Because of the issues last time — I mean, boarding up windows so observers couldn’t see!? — finding thousands of votes all for one person in the dead of the night!? — people are watching very carefully this time around, and it’s becoming more and more clear every day that our elections are susceptible to all sorts of shenanigans, and are in danger of being a disgraceful joke.

UPDATE: I sent this to a friend who works for INDOT. He sent it up the chain, and was told, yes, it was real, and that the Commissioner was already involved. Although crews are supposed to remove such temporary signs in easements to work — and whether or not they were, in fact, being selective about it — the optics from this are apparently bad enough that they have been told to leave all political signs alone until after the election.

Hillary Clinton: Like a Booger you can’t Flick off your Finger

For the love of God, please go away

Just so the Democratic Party is clear, and as a staunch evangelical Christian, I would vote for Satan himself before I’d vote for Hillary Clinton. She and Bill desecrated America and broke our political process, and I hate them for it. Look at all that they taught us:

  • Decades of allegations of rape and sexual abuse does not disqualify you from being President
  • Paying off your accusers isn’t an admission of guilt
  • Real estate fraud is just part of how you “get yours” in politics
  • “Pay for play” is how things get done in Washington
  • Having an affair with your intern is just cool, and totally none of your business
  • Being completely unaccountable for your campaign donations is fine
  • A trail of dead bodies of people who were implicated in your misdeeds is completely coincidental
  • Mishandling classified documents is not a big deal; everyone does it!
  • Leaving our citizens stranded in hostile territory to be killed “doesn’t matter”

And, after all of that, they’re STILL here, like a tick, stuck to our collective butt, ready to do it all over again.

Woodward and Bernstein made journalism the “good guys” by holding Nixon accountable for the heinous crime of… stealing a donor list from his opponent! The horror! Yet, in just a few short years, Clinton’s accomplices in the media turned the tables, and told Republicans and conservatives that none of these much more serious things mattered. “It’s the economy, stupid!”

Any Democrat who voted for EITHER Clinton has no right to lecture a Republican for voting for Trump. After 30 years of liberals demonstrating that “your” candidate’s morals and ethics don’t matter as long as you like their politics, you can’t be upset when the other side has finally learned the lesson too.


Heartland, by The The, from the album, Infected. As poignant today as it was in 1986.

Beneath the old iron bridges, across the Victorian parks
And all the frightened people running home before dark
Past the Saturday morning cinema that lies crumbling to the ground
And the piss-stinking shopping centre in the new side of town
I’ve come to smell the seasons change, and watch the city as the sun goes down again

Here comes another winter of long shadows and high hopes
Here comes another winter, waitin’ for utopia
Waitin’ for hell to freeze over

This is the land where nothing changes
The land of red buses and blue-blooded babies
This is the place where pensioners are raped
And their hearts are being cut from the welfare state
Let the poor drink the milk while the rich eat the honey
Let the bums count their blessings while they count their money

So many people can’t express what’s on their minds
Nobody knows them and nobody ever will
Until their backs are broken and their dreams are stolen
And they can’t get what they want, then they’re gonna get angry!
Well it ain’t written in the papers, but it’s written on the walls
The way this country is divided to fall
So the cranes are moving on the skyline
Trying to knock down this town
But the stains on the heartland can never be removed
From this country that’s sick, sad, and confused

Here comes another winter of long shadows and high hopes
Here comes another winter, waitin’ for utopia
Waitin’ for hell to freeze over

The ammunition’s been passed and the Lord’s been praised
But the wars on the televisions will never be explained
All the bankers gettin’ sweaty beneath their white collars
As the pound in our pocket turns into a dollar

This is the 51st state of the U.S.A.
This is the 51st state of the U.S.A.
This is the 51st state of the U.S.A.
This is the 51st state of the U.S.A.
This is the 51st state of the U.S.A.
This is the 51st state of the U.S.A.
This is the 51st state of the U.S.A.
This is the 51st state–