I was born at the perfect time to pursue a career in full-stack software development. I grew up programming 8-bit computers, then learned Unix in college. I entered the workforce at the emergence of Windows for Workgroups and Linux, and I'll be retiring right about the time the AI's make me redundant. Also, the year Social Security goes broke.
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Months and months of planning by lots and lots of middle management can save literally hours of programming.
Me -
Give a man a program, and you'll frustrate him for a day. Teach a man to program, and you'll frustrate him for a lifetime.
Unknown -
I've put all of my skill points into arguing with blinking lights.
Me -
But I say unto you, that whosoever looketh on a new piece of Apple gear, to lust after it, hath committed purchase of it already in his heart.
Me -
Don't say you're easy on me; you're about as easy as a nuclear war.
Duran Duran, Is There Something I Should Know -
I sold the Renoir and the TV set; don't wanna be around when this gets out.
Duran Duran, The Reflex
Tag Archives: DHH
The reality of the Danish fairytale
The point is that the Danes understand that they can’t both have a safe, open society where young children can be out alone at night, take the metro by themselves, and enjoy the play parks by themselves, if they also … Continue reading
X marks the motivated reasoning
So forgive me if I can’t even get marginally excited for this latest kerfuffle over the new X branding. Primarily because of just how utterly removed the discourse around it is from a good-faith assessment of the merits of … Continue reading
Basecamp implodes as employees flee company, including senior staff
After a controversial blog post in which CEO Jason Fried outlined Basecamp’s new philosophy that prohibited, among other things, “societal and political discussions” on internal forums, company co-founder David Heinemeier Hansson said the company would offer generous severance packages to … Continue reading
Mosaics of positions
How many people do you think would agree with me on everything I’ve ever written? Nobody, that’s how many. Source: Mosaics of positions This is DHH, creator of Ruby on Rails (my favorite programming stack), amongst many other accomplishments. I … Continue reading