I was born at the perfect time to pursue a career in full-stack software development. I grew up programming 8-bit computers, then learned Unix in college. I entered the workforce at the emergence of Windows for Workgroups and Linux, and I'll be retiring right about the time the AI's make me redundant. Also, the year Social Security goes broke.
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Months and months of planning by lots and lots of middle management can save literally hours of programming.
Me -
Give a man a program, and you'll frustrate him for a day. Teach a man to program, and you'll frustrate him for a lifetime.
Unknown -
I've put all of my skill points into arguing with blinking lights.
Me -
But I say unto you, that whosoever looketh on a new piece of Apple gear, to lust after it, hath committed purchase of it already in his heart.
Me -
Don't say you're easy on me; you're about as easy as a nuclear war.
Duran Duran, Is There Something I Should Know -
I sold the Renoir and the TV set; don't wanna be around when this gets out.
Duran Duran, The Reflex
Category Archives: Programming
Can GPT-4 *Actually* Write Code? – by Tyler Glaiel
I test GPT 4’s code-writing capabilities with some actual real world problems. Source: Can GPT-4 *Actually* Write Code? – by Tyler Glaiel Can these new large language models really replace software engineering? GPT is showing that it can write trivial … Continue reading
Programming vs. Achievement Hunting
Last night, in my continuing saga of playing Fallout 76, I finished all the main quest lines, and turned my attention to one of the first side quests that you’ll run into when starting the game. You meet a robot … Continue reading
Caring about Costs is Cool
But costs aren’t just about the bottomline, they’re also a measure of efficiency. I have a distinct distaste for waste. Money spent on the frivolous or the ill-considered is money that can’t be spent elsewhere. Like an engine drinking too … Continue reading
So I’m just now realizing that Mastodon is a Rails 6.1 application. I just looked over the Gemfile, and it includes a lot of the usual gems, notably cocoon, right at the end. I have a love/hate relationship with this … Continue reading
Don’t Get Involved with Things you Can’t Fix, and You Can’t Fix Stupid
Twenty-odd years ago, I was involved in a Product Data Management system implementation. This is just part of a much larger story, but the salient point from the epic saga is that I worked for a psychopath, and he tried … Continue reading
37signals Dev — Vanilla Rails is plenty
In our example, there are no fat models in charge of doing too many things. Recording::Incineration or Recording::Copier are cohesive classes that do one thing. Recording::Copyable adds a high-level #copy_to method to Recording’s public API and keeps the related code … Continue reading
The Case for C# and .NET. It has been interesting as I’ve shifted… | by Charles Chen | ITNEXT
It has been interesting as I’ve shifted out of .NET ecosystem which I’ve worked with on the server side (and some stints of desktop… Source: The Case for C# and .NET. It has been interesting as I’ve shifted… | by Charles … Continue reading
The Problematic Black Box Nature of Neural Networks and Deep Learning – Brightwork Research & Analysis
Neural networks and deep learning are normally black box systems. This black box nature of neural networks leads to problems that tend to be underemphasized in the rush to promote these systems. Source: The Problematic Black Box Nature of Neural … Continue reading
LinkedIn? In My GitHub? It’s More Likely Than You Think
I didn’t much care when Microsoft bought LinkedIn, because no one actually likes LinkedIn. What little usefulness it has exists only because there’s nothing else in the space. A Facebook for work. Really? That’s boring squared. Who cares? But when … Continue reading
Reselling gig work is TikTok’s newest side hustle
Resellers buy gig work for as cheap as $5 to resell for profit Source: Reselling gig work is TikTok’s newest side hustle Yes, you can make money by looking for opportunities to match up supply and demand, and legitimately take … Continue reading