I was born at the perfect time to pursue a career in full-stack software development. I grew up programming 8-bit computers, then learned Unix in college. I entered the workforce at the emergence of Windows for Workgroups and Linux, and I'll be retiring right about the time the AI's make me redundant. Also, the year Social Security goes broke.
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Months and months of planning by lots and lots of middle management can save literally hours of programming.
Me -
Give a man a program, and you'll frustrate him for a day. Teach a man to program, and you'll frustrate him for a lifetime.
Unknown -
I've put all of my skill points into arguing with blinking lights.
Me -
But I say unto you, that whosoever looketh on a new piece of Apple gear, to lust after it, hath committed purchase of it already in his heart.
Me -
Don't say you're easy on me; you're about as easy as a nuclear war.
Duran Duran, Is There Something I Should Know -
I sold the Renoir and the TV set; don't wanna be around when this gets out.
Duran Duran, The Reflex
Category Archives: Politics
How Big Tech got so big: Hundreds of acquisitions
For decades Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google gobbled up their competition to become behemoths of the tech industry, which has drawn attention from Congressional leaders and other critics who claim they’ve stifled innovation in the industry. Source: How Big Tech … Continue reading
Mosaics of positions
How many people do you think would agree with me on everything I’ve ever written? Nobody, that’s how many. Source: Mosaics of positions This is DHH, creator of Ruby on Rails (my favorite programming stack), amongst many other accomplishments. I … Continue reading
Doorbell video captures police officer punching and throwing teen with autism to the ground – CBS News
A Ring doorbell captured footage of a police officer in Vacaville, California, throwing a 17-year-old to the ground and punching him in the face on Wednesday, according to the teen’s father. Source: Doorbell video captures police officer punching and throwing … Continue reading
The REAL Reason McDonalds Ice Cream Machines Are Always Broken – YouTube
TL;DW: The McDonald’s corporation forces franchisees to purchase a particular model of Taylor ice cream machines. These ice cream machines are finicky, prone to error, and hard to diagnose, which makes franchisees call someone to repair them. By contract, only … Continue reading
The Ease of Tracking Mobile Phones of U.S. Soldiers in Hot Spots – WSJ
The U.S. government has built robust programs to track terrorists and criminals through warrantless access to commercial data. Many vendors now provide global location information from mobile phones to intelligence, military and law-enforcement organizations. Source: The Ease of Tracking Mobile … Continue reading
Peter Thiel: Competition Is for Losers – WSJ
I am woefully late in coming to this understanding that monopoly is the goal of all venture capital. Peter Thiel, of Paypal, Palantir, Facebook “fame,” literally said this was the goal, in front of God and everyone, in a WSJ op-ed, … Continue reading
Police pull guns on and spray Black-Latino Army officer during traffic stop, lawsuit says
Two Virginia police officers have been sued for drawing their guns on a uniformed Army officer during a traffic stop and pepper spraying him. Source: Police pull guns on and spray Black-Latino Army officer during traffic stop, lawsuit says Is … Continue reading
The College Admissions Scandal
I didn’t pay any attention to the recent college admissions scandal, because I just didn’t care. It affected a strata of society that I can’t even smell. It didn’t affect me. At all. I thought it was ridiculous that so … Continue reading
Harvey Weinstein, Again.
I watched Untouchable the other night. I thought it was closer to its 87% rating on Rotten Tomatoes than the 71% at Metacritic they list on the IMDB page. After reflecting on what I saw, what struck me about it … Continue reading
Congress, in a Five-Hour Hearing, Demands Tech CEOs Censor the Internet Even More Aggressively – Glenn Greenwald
We are taught from childhood that a defining hallmark of repressive regimes is that political officials wield power to silence ideas and people they dislike, and that, conversely, what makes the U.S. a “free” society is the guarantee that American … Continue reading