I was born at the perfect time to pursue a career in full-stack software development. I grew up programming 8-bit computers, then learned Unix in college. I entered the workforce at the emergence of Windows for Workgroups and Linux, and I'll be retiring right about the time the AI's make me redundant. Also, the year Social Security goes broke.
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Months and months of planning by lots and lots of middle management can save literally hours of programming.
Me -
Give a man a program, and you'll frustrate him for a day. Teach a man to program, and you'll frustrate him for a lifetime.
Unknown -
I've put all of my skill points into arguing with blinking lights.
Me -
But I say unto you, that whosoever looketh on a new piece of Apple gear, to lust after it, hath committed purchase of it already in his heart.
Me -
Don't say you're easy on me; you're about as easy as a nuclear war.
Duran Duran, Is There Something I Should Know -
I sold the Renoir and the TV set; don't wanna be around when this gets out.
Duran Duran, The Reflex
Category Archives: Personal
An Extra 5 Weeks of Pain
Jumping into the middle of the story, I tried cortisone injections to help with my chronic pain, but they only seem to have made things worse. A friend at church gave me a whole new approach to try, but I … Continue reading
44 Years Later
The nostalgia is strong with this. I loved being able to make forms with the glyphs on the Vic-20 and Commodore 64. These keycaps have been “out of print” for a long time, but Signature Plastics is now making them … Continue reading
Anthem Sucks, Health Insurance Will Get Socialized, Water is Wet
Once again, Anthem Blue Cross/Blue Shield has denied me a prescription. It’s like the 4th time in the past couple of years. I spend $10,000/year on all the insurance I can get, while my company pays the other $20K of … Continue reading
SA Retro Keycaps, Ordered
After literally about 10 years of lusting after these, I finally pulled the trigger. I don’t know when they’ll get made and arrive, but I feel that they will have been worth the wait. But… ouch.
The Joy of Coding
I’m writing a program to read a large JSON file to insert tens of thousands of rows of data into a graph DB using PySpark, but the development loop still evokes the same joy and magic as when I was … Continue reading
Uncle Buck’s Niece
The movie Uncle Buck was released in 1989. Like other John Hughes movies, I enjoyed it, but the real highlight for me was the girl played Uncle Buck’s niece, Jean Luisa Kelly. To me, she was nearly the epitome of … Continue reading
My Shame is Ever Before Me
A couple years ago, I broke free of playing Elder Scrolls Online, for the second time. I had quit before, in frustration of not being good enough to run the end-game content. It annoyed me that there were parts of … Continue reading
The New MicroCenter in Indy
I went to the new MicroCenter in Indy, and was immediately confronted with this when I walked through the front door. Is this the checkout line? Do I have to grab tickets to inventory, and get them fulfilled at this … Continue reading
The Germans Hate Me
I’m not clear what about my profile someone in Germany could find offensive, but here we are. I appreciate this notice, and the German law that required it. We should have more of this kind of thing, to reduce the … Continue reading