Drug Company Set to Pay $15 Million to DOJ Over Doctor Bribery Scandal

Two whistleblowers came forward in April to accuse Questcor of trying to boost profits for Acthar, a medication primarily for infants with seizures. Questcor raised the price of the medication by almost 100,000 percent (not a typo) from just $40 in 2000 to $38,892 today, despite the fact that Acthar has been on the market since 1952. Mallinckrodt currently rakes in about $1 billion per year from Acthar, according to CNN.

Source: Drug Company Set to Pay $15 Million to DOJ Over Doctor Bribery Scandal

Today, in Medicare-For-All-is-inevitable news: One company jacked up the price of a drug for newborns from $40 to FORTY THOUSAND DOLLARS, even though it has been around since 1952, and THEN they were caught bribing doctors to prescribe it!

There’s only so much of this our system can take before enough people get affected by it and vote for a nationalized health care system — despite whatever negatives they might fear — because surely nothing can be as bad as what they’re dealing with.

Colorado is the first state to cap skyrocketing insulin co-pays – CNN

Colorado Gov. Jared Polis signed a bill into law Wednesday that places a $100 per month cap on insulin co-pays, regardless of how much insulin a patient uses. Insurance companies will pay anything more than the $100 co-pay, according to the new law.

Source: Colorado is the first state to cap skyrocketing insulin co-pays – CNN

Today, in Medicare-For-All-is-being-slightly-delayed news… Big win. Hopefully, this will sweep the rest of the states. This is something that could be handled by the Congress – DIRECTLY under their statutory powers of governing INTRA-STATE commerce – if they just got their collective heads out of… the sand, and quit wasting time with a sham of an impeachment that they knew would never succeed.